IN PALIO, To learn about and experience the Festival in Siena
IN PALIO, To learn about and experience the Festival in Siena that is, how to enter the universe of an event that is unique in the world, the synthesis and representation of a whole city, of its history and civilisation. From the origins of the race to the formation of the Contrade, to a description of the fateful four days during which the Festival in Siena is cadenced, these pages will help to learn about it and experience it in all of its phases, rites, and significances. They also attempt, between poetry and anthropology, to explain the sentiments and emotion involved. The book concludes with a sort of tale of the Palio using fragments of well-known pages from the literature: from Vittorio Alfieri to Andrea Camilleri, passing through the writings of Pratolini, Palazzeschi, Landolfi, Montale, Fruttero, Lucentini and Luzi.
Autor: Luigi Oliveto (Siena, 1947) is a journalist and writer. He has dedicated several books to his city, among which are Siena d’Autore,Guida letteraria della città e delle sue terre (2003), Di Siena la canzone, Canti della tradizione popolare senese (2004), Qui sosta l’eroe. Garibaldi in terra di Siena (2007). Specifically on the subject of the Palio are La festa difficile (2001) and the short poem A nulla valsero i secoli, which is included in the first photographic volume Il Palio in volto (2007). The subject matter and text of the documentary film Palio (2008), published in DVD, are also owed to him.
Editorial series: Storia Locale - Pages: 88 with color pictures - Size: cm. 12x17